THE THURSDAY MARKET Every Thursday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am or 12 noon (in the Summer).Come along, browse around our stalls and enjoy our famous, tea, coffee, toast, teacakes try our speciality 'The Village Hall Bacon Sarnie' or, if you like, simply stay for a chat. Regular stalls include:Arts & Crafts RNLI & Charity Stalls Jewellery Household Goods Cakes & Pastries Preserves Cards & Stationery Gifts & Presents Bric a Brac & Books Weekly Raffle Refreshments Plants (in season)To book a stall or get further information telephone Janet or David on 290536 or justcall in on a Thursday morning to see what's going on
SHORT MAT BOWLS Monday and Thursday Evenings at 7.00pm It doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or seasoned campaigner, come along and have a go. It's only £1 per session and you get tea, coffee and biscuits thrown in. Spare bowls are available. For more information call David on 290536.
QUIZ NIGHT Quizzes are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month and it's fun for all the family. It's £1 per person including tea, coffee and biscuits or you can BYO if you prefer. The contests begin at 7.30pm. Any changes to dates will be notified on the Village noticeboards
BINGO NIGHT Bingo sessions are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month and it's eyes down at 7.30pm.
SPECIAL EVENTS Check on the Hall and Village noticeboards for details of the special events we hold throughout the year.
ARRANGING AN EVENT? Are you looking for somewhere to hold a party, a meeting, fairs, sales or bazaars? We have ideal facilities. We also have table and chair hire facilities available. For more information on hire arrangements call Janet on 290536.
We are wheelchair friendly.