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Village Hall News

Aug 01, 2011

We have had another busy month in the village hall. There was a good trip toExeter on the bus. It was a long day but I believe the ladies enjoyed the differentshops. If there is enough interest we may organise future trips to different places so pass your ideas on.

The Thursday Markets continue to go great guns especially those bacon butties. Thank you for your continued support and to everyone who has pitched and helped with various things whilst Dave Gascoigne has been poorly. We all wish him a speedy full recovery.

We have a few events coming up this summer with various fetes including ourown late summer fete in September and this will lead on to the Harvest supper where weplan to have the Godrevy Singers for your entertainment.



The quiz was another hard fought affair which led to new champions for this month, with the difference seeming to be their in-depth knowledge on Only Fools and Horses.   It's great to see the hall really buzzing oncea month with around forty people battling it out over the quiz. Here are the results:

1st The Buccaneers 83.0pts

Mixed Bunch




4th The Motley Crew 76.5pts
5th OTT 73.0ptr
6th Rumanites 68.0pts
7th Bob's Band 63.0pts
8th Trilogy+2 60.0pts












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